Thursday, September 30, 2010

Foster Dogs of NYC

This is Zeke.
A Bulldog/Australian Cattle Dog mix.

He was left in an alley somewhere in Tennessee with a sign on him that read 'freak'.
He was rescued, renamed Zeke and is now adopted.
Isn't he amazing? I think he and George and Ellie would get along famously.
Nice work Foster Dogs Of NYC!

Yes, please!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Despite the big smiles, this was also a very challenging (and sometimes grueling) experience.

My body was definitely hating me when I started out on my 4:45 am 7-miler, head lamp and all! Like most of the Dames, I definitely had some painful moments in this 2-day bonanza...

The DAME crew was amazing. Nothing like time with girls to bond, share and laugh. I only knew 2 of them upon arriving at the Waterbury park and ride on Thursday, and by Saturday, yes - we were all real friends. Pretty cool. Stress, challenges and a unified goal (reach the beach!!) is always a good recipe for friendship...

And like in most things in life, experience is a huge asset. Here are some of the big learnings that I will remind myself of next year (if I am deemed worthy of a 'Dashing Dame' again):

Drink more water, and when you think you've had enough, drink more water
Bring a water bottle with a spout (not one those with the big opening so water pours all over you)
Gatorade tasted better than anything - bring some
Eat - sounds simple, it isn't. You want to barf, but got to eat!
Bring Starbucks instant coffee - hello?
Stretch after your run - again so obvious, but SO didn't happen
Bring 2 pairs of running sneakers (if possible)
Pack a pillow (and a sleeping bag)
Train before the event, faster + fitter = happier
And... pack lots of pink... I think I excelled at this one ; )

Until next year - there ain't nothing like a (Dashing) Dame.

Friday, September 17, 2010

It's on!

Dozen Dashing Dames!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dress rehearsal

Last leg - Reach the Beach. This is embarrassing, but spirited!!
O said I need a hat with a big flamingo coming out the front of it - that would be pretty awesome. I think I will add some terry wrist bands - to go with the socks.
Now, I just have to worry about RUNNING.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Muppet Show

Buttered popcorn and feety pajamas.

Irresistible smile

Love the chops on this big grizzly. Got ursus arctos on the mind tonight - this one is just full of charisma and charm, in my opinion. Looks like he might even carry a tune or dance - but not in a circus way.

Oli said "it's a good reminder to brush your teeth". He's funny.

Grin and bear it (sorry, I had to - Jane will appreciate it)!

bear image from ''

Growing up

This adorable yellow bedroom with twin beds reminds me so much of our bedroom growing up. Yellow + white + black = chic.
Mom's got wicked style!

Image from DOMINO magazine, May 2008

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reach the Beach

200 Miles.
24 Hours.
12 Girls.
2 Vans.

Yep, that's 'Reach the Beach' relay which starts a week from tomorrow. 12 ladies running 200 miles (3 legs each that average a total of about 16 miles per person) over a 24 hour period. We are called the "dozen dashing dames" and our unofficial uniform is lots of hot pink.
I am runner 12 - which means I am also runner 24 and 36... which happens to be the finishing leg - so fun, SO SCARY! At least we finish on a beach, literally... where there will be tasty food (anything will be tasty by this point) and cold beer!
I have been training for a week, which as anyone that runs knows, is ridiculous - because you need more than a few weeks to train for these things... but I will do my best and troop it out!

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

O in a nutshell

All that's missing is the blue cashmere sweater (and O, of course)!