Despite the big smiles, this was also a very challenging (and sometimes grueling) experience.
My body was definitely hating me when I started out on my 4:45 am 7-miler, head lamp and all! Like most of the Dames, I definitely had some painful moments in this 2-day bonanza...
The DAME crew was amazing. Nothing like time with girls to bond, share and laugh. I only knew 2 of them upon arriving at the Waterbury park and ride on Thursday, and by Saturday, yes - we were all real friends. Pretty cool. Stress, challenges and a unified goal (reach the beach!!) is always a good recipe for friendship...
And like in most things in life, experience is a huge asset. Here are some of the big learnings that I will remind myself of next year (if I am deemed worthy of a 'Dashing Dame' again):
Drink more water, and when you think you've had enough, drink more water
Bring a water bottle with a spout (not one those with the big opening so water pours all over you)
Gatorade tasted better than anything - bring some
Eat - sounds simple, it isn't. You want to barf, but got to eat!
Bring Starbucks instant coffee - hello?
Stretch after your run - again so obvious, but SO didn't happen
Bring 2 pairs of running sneakers (if possible)
Pack a pillow (and a sleeping bag)
Train before the event, faster + fitter = happier
And... pack lots of pink... I think I excelled at this one ; )
Until next year - there ain't nothing like a (Dashing) Dame.