It was a pretty eventful weekend here in Stowe - glad I stuck around to enjoy it! The weather was pretty much perfect, aside from a few thunder crackers here and there - Highs in the 80s!
It was 'balloonfest' at
Stoweflake Resort and Spa, which is basically in our backyard. That meant all weekend you could walk out the front door to see these HUGE balloons - sometimes they seemed so close you could touch them!! I was thinking how much Ellie and Henry would get a kick out it. Very magical. Very Wizard of Oz.
Last night was a 'concert in the meadow' at
Trapps Family Lodge. Pretty awesome. Meike packed a picnic that would knock your socks off - lobster rolls and delicious lemon cake (my absolute favorite).... The music was a bit 'big band' for orchestra, but I still really enjoyed it, but it is really all about the picnic and the vistas and the company - all which were unbeatable! The fireworks at finale were a nice surprise too!!